Pars carton slotting machine
This high quality machine which is fully compatible with foreign made machines is used to create fine and precise slots on various types of three and five fold sheet and plastic cartons.
Usage of best raw materials and appropriate alloys , utilization of high engineering technology along with high precision manufacturing has been the reason for great satisfaction of buyers in Iran and other countries.
Some of the significant features:
Simple and precise adjustment. Strong structure thanks to its heavy and very strong body. Powerful mechanism thanks to suitable electromotor and accurate power transmission. Alloy resistant to continuous shocks on the parts as well as precision machining . Steel blades made of the best steel with high strength and resistant to abrasion. Unique bearings made of special alloys resistant to abrasion . Low noise, long life but to suitable balance and full observance of technical and engineering standards . Guaranty , spare part back -up and after sales service.